Observant and inquisitive, Matilda serves as both a devoted student and teacher of yoga, hailing from Melbourne, Australia. From a young age, Matilda has embarked on a pivotal journey of self-inquiry, where her curiosity for the yoga practice was ignited by a commitment to lifelong learning.

A firm believer in movement as medicine, Matilda recognises the physical body as a vital gateway inward. With a firm foundation in modern vinyasa principles cultivated through the guidance of renowned teachers whom she is eternally grateful for, Matilda's teaching is driven by passion and intelligent sequencing,. She emphasises that through conscious movement, we not only bolster our physical well-being but enhance mental clarity, fostering kindness and mindful responsibility in our daily interactions.

After completing her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Sydney with Noelle Connolly, Rachael Coopes, Sarah Routhier, Kat Clayton and Vicki Smart, she undertook a transformative 300 hour journey of learning that commenced with 150 hours of Advanced Teacher Training in Goa, India with Joan Hyman, followed by intensive trainings in Europe with Annie Carpenter and Simon Park.  Through her learning, she has focussed on assisting and adjusting as a means of nurturing the student-teacher relationship,  alongside her focus on injury prevention in a mobility-based asana practice.  Matilda is dedicated to guiding practitioners toward their unique edge, navigating this path with grace and fluidity.

Matilda shares her teachings in studio classes, workshops, and now through her online platform, ‘HABITUAL’.  Wherever you find yourself, she invites you to join her in this journey. Reach out and connect today.

Matilda’s yoga classes are a perfect blend of fun and challenge, yet they remain gentle and thoughtfully structured. Her instruction elevates your understanding of both your practice and your body. As a fellow teacher, I always learn something new from her. Matilda teaches from the heart, with a passion that is truly innate.
— Allie Broek
She genuinely inspires me not only in the yoga class but also to bring gratitude and connection into my daily life.
— Spencer Mu
Matilda’s yoga practices draw on her naturally insightful and intuitive nature, and I always leave one of Matilda’s classes feeling like I’ve learned something about my yoga practice, and myself as a person. Matilda challenges us and helps us find new ways to grow and open, but always does so with grace and love.
— Trystyn Bowe